Better Strategy. Simply Done.
It's time to change the way we do business.
Essential Strategy
Essential Strategy is a simplified approach for integrating strategy, risk, and resilience to improve performance and long-term sustainability. The result is the Essential Strategy Foundation.
Essential Strategy is designed around a Purpose, Growth & Evolution framework. It is based on the philosophy that organizational success lies in three simple truths:
An entity must have and actively pursue a meaningful purpose. Without clarity of purpose, we are rudderless.
An entity must be intentional about the growth of itself and its people. Without growth, we stagnate.
An entity must continually adapt and evolve to meet the needs and desires of those it serves. Without intentional evolution, we become irrelevant.
Simply acknowledging these Three Simple Truths of Organizational Success, however, is not enough.
Too often, we become hyper-focused on one or two areas and we create blind spots. Too much focus on purpose with no thought of growth and evolution can lead to a weak financial core. Too much focus on growth without the resilience that comes from ongoing evolution risks long-term health. Focusing on evolution for the sole purpose of chasing the market can disconnect us from our vision.
Intuitive leaders know that balance is needed, but often it is the mechanism to create and sustain that balance that eludes their grasp.
It is for this reason that the Purpose, Growth & Evolution triad is further defined by a fourth piece, intricately woven through all three to provide structure and stability - we call it the Arkhi Link. This backbone brings balance to the framework and is the catalyst for driving the kind of intentionality that creates lasting value.
Welcome to a new way of thinking about strategy, risk, and resilience.
If you see the logic in the Three Simple Truths of Organizational Success, then you can see why Essential Strategy works regardless of organization size, industry, sector, or type.
Scalable. Flexible. Intentional.
The Five Reasons why Essential Strategy works in any organizational environment:
It is at once both simple and robust in supporting the way the organization needs to think about itself long-term.
The Foundation is easy to understand, easy to follow and easy to implement.
It establishes clear priorities required to design and execute strategy that will achieve vision and mission.
It easily fits into and compliments other processes, methods and tools already in use.
It has proven itself relevant to and successful in virtually every type of organization, including private entities, non-profits, co-ops, native-owned, state and tribal governments, federal contractors, universities and more.
Re-envision the future, and then reinvent your organization to get you there.
How to get started
First, review your Purpose.
Are your vision, mission, and values clear and easily understood?
Are you succeeding?
Has your Mission changed?
Does the business need to change?​
Second, focus on how you Grow.
How are the needs and wants of those you serve changing?
​Are you building operational competencies to support those changes?
What systems are in place to grow and develop your people?
Where do you see opportunities?
Have you defined risk appetite thresholds & measures?
Third, assess your ability to Evolve.
Are you staying on top of emerging trends in the industry?
How solid are your continuity and resilience systems?
How often do you validate that your current strategies are working?
To what extent is your organization willing to change?​